Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Fung My Life!

Explanation: Fung is my family's name. And yes, I got called Fungus when I was a kid. As did my brother and all of my cousins who share the same name. The only funny thing about it was the fact that every asswipe who pulled the joke thought that he was the first person to ever do so.

My dad, like his dad, is strangely proud of being a Fung. He always says, "The Fung gene is very dominant. And Fungs always insist on being a little bit different." I don't know if this is true or even what it means. Actually, I don't even think the name Fung means anything.

So perhaps that is my lot in life: To always have to decipher the wisdom of my family, all the while knowing that the rest of the world finds us rather ridiculous. And it is with that sentiment that I dedicate this blog. In some respects, this blog isn't so different from the others out there that exploit the crazy things immigrant parents say. But being a Fung means that I have to believe my family really is funnier than any other.

So here is the start of a series of posts that document shit the Fungs say and do. And if you don't like it, well, Fung you.

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